So far, we
know the city of Bogor city as rain, but who would have thought the city of
Bogor in addition to the city dubbed as the rain turned out to get a new
nickname as the city of lightning, since lightning strikes in a day get up to
322 times that normally only 80 times, was recorded in the Guinness book of world record.
which lies on the equator have day-thunder is very high with the activity of
100 to 200 days per year-thunder. This causes the characteristics of lightning
in Indonesia is different from the characteristics of lightning in the
standards used overseas by the Agency for Standardization world at large. Each stroke can generate up to
100 million volts of electricity and the current flows up to 200 thousand
amperes, the lightning channel temperature of up to 10,000 degrees Celsius,
hotter than the surface of the sun's heat